Design terbaru kami, PRINTED FLOWER, modern and unique. Kreasi ini adalah hasil original dari Floral designer kami, dan belum ada di Jakarta.
Terdiri dari beberapa warna rose : Merah, pink, putih, kuning, orange. Dan beberapa wording :
Love, Get well soon, Happy birthday, Congrats, Happy Graduation, Miss you, Hello, Good luck, Im sorry, Yeah its a girl, Yeah its a boy, Best wishes, Happy Valentine’s day, Happy Mother’s day
Pesan anda akan lebih jelas dengan design PRINTED FLOWER ini.
Substitution may be necessary to ensure your order arrives on time.
I.E : vase, soft toy, basket etc. If so required, we will substitute the material to equal or greater value, and we will ensure that the ‘design and quality’ of the arrangement will be maintained.