Hamper 009


Mood Booting Delight

Delivery Date:
Tulisan Love Pink
Tulisan LOVE merah
Tulisan Love U pink
Tulisan Miss U
Tulisan Mom
Tulisan Shou
Tulisan HBD
Balon bentuk love
Balon bulat
Coklat Ferrero Rocher isi 16 pcs
Boneka Teddy Bear off white - 5 inch
Boneka Teddy Bear coklat tua - 5 inch
Boneka Teddy Bear off white - 7 inch
Boneka Teddy Bear coklat tua - 7 inch
Boneka Teddy Bear Boy - 9 inch
Boneka Teddy Bear Girl - 9 inch
Boneka Teddy Bear - 23 inch

During this lovely season, several events have been held to welcome the warm December that was being celebrated annually. So, Adorable Florist is ready to give you a recommendation on Hampers, which collects several goodies and presents that will color your days with loved ones. Don’t hesitate to contact us whether you are interested in buying these goods.

This hamper includes :
  • Brand Essence Chicken 6 Bottle @ 42 gram
  • Chocolate Ferrero Rocher T-24 pcs
  • Snikers Pouch 6 x 20 gr or Delfi choco box cashew 100 gr
  • Verkade Biscuit Kruid 150 gr
  • Mango Time Dried Mango Spicy 50 gr
  • Honey Roasted Peanut 80 gr
  • Black Currant Tea 30 gr
  • Ever Delicious Chocolate Cream Filling Cookies 400 gr
  • Box and Hamper Decoration
Styling props featured are not included If items mention above are not available, we will replace with same value items Hamper decoration according to the each festive season order if items mention above are not available, we will replace with the same value item Hamper decoration according to the each festive season order          
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Don't worry, our friendly admin is here to help you making a purchases on web or advice on choosing flowers that suits you best.
